
Monday, January 28, 2013

March 25, 1912

Howard [signed up top]
___________[obscured by postmark]
________wether I am 
up here having 
a time ____ you 
was up here
I seen Atwood few minutes ago
I down here to
 the [station] now
going down on 
the train now tell
Charlie to look 
out I had
my picture mad[e]
to day  from yours
truly friend.

Postmarked:  Danville, Va
Addressed:  Miss Esther Richardson
                     Ringgold, Va
                     R.F.D #2

Howard Roberts is the author of this card to Esther.  Notice the postcard is a birthday card, yet Esther's birthday is in November, not March.  No  where in the body does Howard even wish Esther a happy birthday. I've have seen this happen previously among writers of postcards.  I suspect the writers of postcards used cards they had on hand.

Howard Roberts was an ardent suitor of Esther's.  A number of his postcards and letters will find their way onto this blog - at least through 1915!


  1. I believe the word missing on the sentence: "wether I am up here having a time ____ you
    was up here" is "WISH." "wether I am up here having a time wish you was up here."

    Hope that it's for you, love the post card!

  2. And I think the word that is obscured from the postmark might be "Hello"?

  3. Ah, yes. Thanks so much Gini! Sometimes I look at these postcards so long I no longer see what's there.

  4. I can see how that happens, Lisa. I was hoping I was seeing those words correctly but I went with my first glance . . . you are so welcome! Love your post cards, Lisa . . . wonderful treasures!
