
Monday, March 18, 2013

March 12, 1913

                        Ringgold, Va
                        March 12, 1913
My dearest Esther:
            How little we know of our
blessed Masters dealings with such
when we separate with each other.
As you have now learned before now.
Dear Howard   called home
Sunday P.M. at two oclock.
He was sick only about nine days
and bore all his sufferings with
such patience.
Our hears are too sad to tell you
all about it.
Sometime I hope to be able to tell
it all.  But oh! Esther we can
feel perfectly satisfied about him.
For he was conscious until the
last breath, and hea had the sweetest
                vision, just before his last breath                                                 
he reaised both hands beaven-
ward and says “Oh Berta look
listen at that pretty music.”

[Page 2]

I feel like hi is now in that
 beautiful city of yonder await
-ing us.
I feel as if I have lost almost
a beloved brother. He was so
kind to me.
Well its almost mail time
but I felt like saying a word
if no  more.
I cant begin to tell you how
we miss you all everything
over there is sad looking.
George is real sick. I trust
it is only a short attack of
Grandma has been very sick.
She has just gotten home.
Give you mother and all my love.
Wish I could write more but dear
child I haven’t time. Write us  often
and please excuse ____, I feel as bad
this morning. Lovingly Lucie

This letter was not in an envelope.

The correct identity of Lucie is not known.  She may have been Lucie Farson (sister of Esther's friend Nannie Lee), but I think this may be another friend, cousin or possibly Esther's aunt Lucy Richardson.  

The grief is felt in Lucie's words over the death of Howard Warren of Pittsylvania County, VA. Over the next couple of letters, Howard's friends' grief is surely felt.

The identity of George and Berta are also unknown at this time.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 11, 1913

Dear Esther,

            Your letter received a few
days ago, and was very glad to hear
from you all, and to know that you
are geting on well. I am enjoying
life fine and had a nice time
in Washington D. C. I will send you
a Picture that I had taken there,
that is Emmett with me. I guess
you would know him any way. it was
the first time I have see him
for about (15) years. I am not looking
for any time Easter for I am going
to stay close at home now till
I am Discharges. my time are getting
too short. I have only till the
27th of April. Give all my love
 and best wishes. Tell Hattie all right
 if she had ruther make camis clothes

[Page 2]
than write, to go ahead with her
hog killing. I don’t love to hear
that word work ha-ha. Well I haven’t
no news to write so I will sign off
for this time
            So By Bye. Till I see you

Letterhead:  Company “M” Seventeenth Infantry
                     United States Army
                     Fort McPherson, GA
Postmarked: March 11, 1913 – Ft McPherson, GA
Addressed: Miss Esther Richardson
                   News Ferry,

This is another letter from Will Elliott, Esther's first cousin and frequent writer.  His handwriting is certainly one of the easier ones to read!

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 7, 1913 - Howard Roberts

Today's post marks the beginning of postcards and letters addressed to Esther in the year 1913.  Esther was 16 at the time of most of these letters.  She would turn 17 in November of that year.  Longer letters began appearing in Esther's collection during that time.  I will share the scanned images of these letters, though for the lengthier letters may only post the first page.  

*If you recognize your ancestor in these letters, please leave a comment.  I would be happy to share a copy of the full letter with you.

                        March the 7 1913
                        Ringgold Va
RL #2
My Dear girl
I will take the gretest
of pleasur in writeing
you a fue lines to let
you here me all OK
hop fine you same
wish I could see you
now. I felt sad when
I come out the train
Sunday. hated to see you leave.
Osker had his cutin[?]
Wednesday and give
us a pardy Miss Lucy
and nanny Lee was over
there. Maggie and Ellen
Hattie and you fellor
was over ther. I had a very nice time but
if you ben ther I en
joyed myself better
I am going to work
at the saw mil mond
ay. tell Ruben I think
he treted me very
nice. write to Eddie
and never wrote to
me. I don’t cere just
cut off a cut come and
take my ax and tote
it to the next cut
he did drag me rum
if I don’t get the cane__
to write before ____
meet me at the station
Sunday even
write fust as sun [soon] as
you get this I wont
to here from you real
bad.   Ringgold
care Mr Moss  RFD2

[across top]
from your


Postmarked: Ringgold, Va
Addressed: Miss Esther Richardson
                   News Ferry  Va
HLR in this letter is Howard L Roberts and not Esther's uncle Henry Lee Richardson.  Howard was a friend of Esther's and as future letters will reveal, an ardent beau! Previous cards from Howard can be seen here and hereLucy and Nanny Lee are the Farson sisters - both good friends of Esther's. Oskar [Oscar] is a friend as well though I do not know his surname.  Ruben is Esther's younger brother Reuben Richardson.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 1913 (Probably)

        there hope
to see you Sat.
hope you are having
fine times down
there. Hallie says
tell you she sure do
want to see you. well
byebye a Friend  W.E.W.

Postmarked: None
Addressed: Miss Esther Richardson
                  News Ferry  Va

WEW is Willie from earlier letters.  Willie seems to be one of Esther's more ardent beaus. Hallie appears in a number of postcards as well.  I am unsure of Hallie's surname.