
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

November 18, 1912

How are you all? We

are as [weasel] excepting

colds Mr Hagood ___
been laid up with a cold
but is better now.
Why don’t you come up
here and see me I
would be so glad to
___ train you any
time you could come
I ant able to go much
yet an when I can go
I try and go to see Lizzie
her husband cut himself
offle bad cant walk any
at all an aint in some
time it 12 miles up there
it is worsome to me

[continued at top]
your friend Mrs. L P Hagood

Postmarked:  18 Nov 1912  Danville, VA 
Addressed: Mrs Daniel Richardson
                   Ringgold Va
                   R.F.D 2

Mrs Daniel Richardson was Hattie Elliott Richardson and mother of Esther. Mrs L. P. Hagood  was Lena Hagood (1898-1967) of Danville, Va.  Lena would actually have been the age/generation of Esther. This makes me question if I have the correct woman. I do not know the identity of Lizzie. Interestingly, the letter is postmarked the day of Hattie's husband's death.

Monday, February 25, 2013

November 1912

How are you getting
on with your
school? fine I hope
I am stripping tobacco, Miss
Hattie and Ila don’t
help me a bit. Bye bye
will see you again some day Edgar

Postmarked:  (Faded)  Probably Sutherlin, VA, 1912
Addressed:  Miss Cordelia Aherron
                    Ringgold   Va
                    R.F. D. # 2 
                c/o D.T. Richardson

Cordelia Aherron (b. 1895) was Esther's first cousin and the daughter of Lucy Richardson and Thomas Aherron.  By all accounts, they were very close. Cordelia (Cordie) appears to have been visiting with her cousins.  Edgar seems to have been an ardent admirer of Cordie's.  I am unsure of his surnamen.  Ila was Ila Aherron, Cordie's sister.  Hattie was most likely Hattie Yeaman, also a first cousin to Esther.

Cordelia was staying with Esther's family that November.  Esther's father D.T. Richardson died 18 Nov 1912.  Indications from previous correspondence shows that he had been ill at least for several months.  Perhaps Cordelia was visiting to console her cousin or assist the family is some way.

Friday, February 22, 2013

August 5, 1912

Hello Estha
            will leave
here the 17th for
Anniston Ala. but
will no stay but
one day there, then
we will get back
to Georgia. Write
soon. By Bye WFE

Postmarked: Aug 5, 1912   The location is faded out.
Addressed: Miss Esther Richardson
                  R.F. D. #2

WFE is William F ElliottWill Elliott was a first cousin and frequent writer of postcards to Esther. See more of Will's letters to Esther here, here and here

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

July 28, 1912

Atlanta 7 28/12

My dear niece your
card to Steward received
some days ago but
haven’t had the mind
to answer it I hope
to be back hope in
a few days give my
best regards to all
as ever your devoted
uncle H. L. Richardson

Postmarked:  July 28, 1912  Atlanta, GA
Addressed: Miss Esther Richardson

H.L. Richardson is Henry Lee Richardson (1873-1942). He is the brother of Daniel Thomas Richardson and the uncle of Esther.  Stewart is George Stewart Richardson (b. 1908). Stewart is the young son of H.L. and a first cousin to Esther.

Monday, February 18, 2013

July 1912

Hello guess you
got my last
card. tell Ruben he outar bee with
me. I am just
having a fine time

[Across top]

 Postmarked (Partial postmark only): 1912, Roa__  Trans__  The exact date is not visible, but may be June or July. 
Addressed: Miss Ester Richedson
                  Ringgold, Va

Luther is Luther Hardy (b. 1893) and the son of James and Virginia Hardy of Pittsylvania County, Virginia. As you may recall, Luther was a suitor (or maybe "suitor wannbe") of Esther's. Luther previously wrote to Esther on March 31, 1912 and July 24, 1912. "Ruben" is Reuben Richardson (b. 1897), Esther's brother.  He is often referred to in the correspondence between Esther and her friends and family.